Iridology and Holistic Health Courses for Health Professionals

Intro to Iridology 5-day Mini-Course

This brief, sampler class, is designed to introduce you to iridology and let you experience how I teach.

You will learn the basics of the history of iridology and the three basic constitutions of iridology (blue eyes, brown eyes, mixed eyes), and so much more in just 30-minutes per lesson over the 5 lessons.

Start this virtual mini-course when you want and complete it on your own schedule.

Watch your email for the lessons. They will be from

Sometimes they end up in spam/junk/promo, so be sure to check there if you don't see them in your main inbox.

Tuition is only $37.00 CAN

Dynamic Iridology Assessment System for Health Professionals

The next start date for Dynamic Iridology is June 27, 2024

This course is open to health professionals  such as herbalists, nutrition coaches, NDs, RNs, MDs, and licensed massage therapists, who

  • have completed a college-level anatomy & physiology course
  • want to learn iridology at a deep level
  • want to practice using iridology to guide their intake process
  • want to use iridology to speed up the protocol creation process

The course is 20 weekly classes (modules) of 2 1/4 - 2 1/2-hours each.

It includes all the curricula to satisfy the IIPA level 1 and level 2 requirements (collectively called the Core Curriculum).


We meet once each week in a live webinar.


Additional group mentoring, twice each month, is included as my gift to you.


Because of the quantity and depth of information in this course, I want to speak with you before enrollment to ensure this course is a good fit for you.


Click the <more info please> button to choose a day and time for us to have a zoom video call.

Body Systems Iridology & Herbology

This course is open only to graduates of the Dynamic Iridology Assessment System for Health Professionals and current IIPA certified iridologists.


In Body Systems Iridology & Herbology, you will learn more about how iris markings interact with each other, which markings are more likely to be seen in which conditions, and dietary & herbal recommendations.


This course is offered approximately once each year. The next session is scheduled for 2025

Women's Holistic Health

As holistic practitioners, we may be helping our female clients with symptoms from puberty, through the child-bearing years, through menopause and beyond.


When our clients implement what we teach them about nutrition and supplements specific to these ages and stages we empower them to take control of their health and earn positive long-term health results.


This course is designed for holistic practitioners who have a solid foundation in anatomy & physiology.

Some knowledge of nutrition is also helpful.
This course does not include iridology.

Our next course will be in 2025.

IIPA Level 3 Iridology 

In this program we study emotional iridology (Rayid), pupil shape, more sclera signs, and much more.


This course is open to all graduates of the Dynamic Iridology Assessment System and IIPA certified iridologists.


This course will follow the prescribed IIPA Level 3 curriculum which includes more advanced iris and sclera signs as well as some iridology theories that are still being researched. This course is 17 sessions long, although more sessions may be added at the teacher's discretion, each session is 90 - 120 minutes.


We will meet once each week for two hours, for a minimum of 17 classes, and possibly up to 20 classes to cover the curriculum and mentoring needed to prepare you for the IIPA Level 3 certification exam.

Next course: October 2, 2024.