- All
- Basics
- Circulatory System
- Digestive System
- Glandular: Blood Sugar and Energy
- Glandular: Female Reproductive System
- Hepatic System
- Iridology
- Nervous System
- Structural System and Skin
Does Stress Show in Your Eyes?
Stress: Does It Show In Your Eyes? Do some people have a "stress predisposition"? How do we learn…
Liver Iridology Signs
Liver Iridology Signs When you see liver markers, you need to ask your client liver-relevant questions. There are…
What Could Insulin Resistance Look Like In Someone’s Eyes?
What Could Insulin Resistance Look Like In Someone's Eyes? It's not news anymore - blood sugar disorders, including…
Bone Density – What do your eyes suggest?
Bone Density - How's Yours? Why Is It Like That? Study these two indicators that suggest the potential…
The Backstory On Female Hormone Imbalance
The Backstory On Female Hormone Imbalance The female hormone balance is an interesting thing. It relies on several…
Can Your Eyes Predict Stroke Or Heart Attack Risk
Can Your Eyes Predict Stroke Or Heart Attack Risk? Ophthalmologists and optometrists can see changes in the circulatory…
Two Iridology Stomach Markers
Two Iridology Stomach Markers This article will focus on two iridology stomach indicators, arguably the most common two…
Stress, Anxiety, and Iridology
Stress, Anxiety, and Iridology Iridology indicators can help holistic practitioners create effective individual protocols for stress, anxiety, and…
Heartburn: Two Common Iridology Stomach Markers
Heartburn: Two Common Iridology Stomach Markers Heartburn? Seeing two or three of these markers should underscore the importance…
What Iridology Photos of Blue Eyes (Lymphatic) Should Look Like
What Excellent Eye Photos of Blue Eyes (Lymphatic) Should Look Like Iris photography is pretty finicky. The best…
Bone Health, Osteoporosis, and Iridology
Bone Health and Osteoporosis by Judith Cobb, MH, CI3, NCP, NNCP, CCII3 Bone health and osteoporosis are just…
What Iris Markers Teach Us About Stress
Understanding What Iris Markers Teach Us About Stress Anxiety, joy, happiness, love, pain, heat, cold - every…
Introducing Constitutional Iridology
Introducing Constitutional Iridology My Introduction to Iridology When I first learned about iridology nearly 40 years ago, I…