
If You're a Health Professional Who  Wants or Needs An Immediate and Non-invasive Assesment System Here's mini-class #5.

rave reviews from A Few of My students


"I am a certified functional nutrition counselor with a healthcare background. I thought with all the A+P classes I have taken in the past that I knew a lot about the body, but I have learned so much more in the Dynamic Iridology Assessment System course! Judith is a wonderful teacher, so knowledgeable and patient with my endless questions. I would recommend her course to anyone."

Jacquelyn Stegeman


Susan Pettipas

"Judith makes learning iridology easy with her step-by-step system of assessing the iris. Judith doesn't just teach identification of markings. She goes a step further to teach how to use that information to create a health plan when working with clients. She cares about her students and is accessible for questions, guidance and supports them in their future goals."

Susan Pettipas

Herbalist, Reiki Master


"Learning Iridology with Judith Cobb has helped me to understand, in depth, the relationshiop between different organs and organ systems. Iridology also gives me an advantage of seeing the potential for different genetic traits which helps me extrapolate how the person's body will likely respond to applications of healing methods. It has helped me increase my efficiency in providing more precise recommendations."

Karyn Choate


The Next Course Start Date is
Jan 25, 2024

What This Course Includes

20 x 2 1/4-hour live classes - one live class per week allows time for you to study, practice, and come back the next week to ask questions and get clarification on anything that didn't 'land right' the first time

2 x 1-hour live group mentoring sessions per month - where students and alumni can come to discuss client cases, business and marketing, anything iridology-related. This long-term mentoring continues for as long as you want beyond the end of your classes, and even after you are certified

225+Page digital, downloadable textbook - when IIPA revises the curriculum, I revise the textbook, and all students (past and present) get access to the newest version

Mentoring for certification preparation for students who desire it - many teachers charge extra for this. I include it for up to 10 months after your final class session. It has been my experience that students who don't get started on the certification steps right away don't complete certification. I'm here to hold you accountable if you want to certify.

And so much more! If you have an antomy & physiology course already completed and want to learn iridology at a professional level, use the button below to reserve a time to chat with me about the course!

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