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3 Simple Strategies
plus some Iridology mini-lessons that will start you on your way to reducing your program creation time!

Judith Cobb, MH, CI3, NCP, NNCP, CCII3

After nearly a decade of struggling to build a health-coaching business, and giving away too many hours for free, I could see the way I'd been taught to work with clients wasn't working well for me or  them.


Then I figured out how stop giving time away, get better results for my clients, and create the rapport that keeps them coming back over and over again.


My name is Judith Cobb. I am a Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and Certified Comprehensive Level 3 Iridology Instructor, and I've been coaching clients to better health for over 40 years. For the past 30plus years I've been getting individualized client programs created in my paid client sessions - and I want to share how I did it with you!

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